Submitted Reviews
Hello sue, hope you are well. I came to see recently 25th January with a friend of mine and your reading was phenomenally accurate :))
Hun, I meant spot on! You know your shit girl!!!
Thank you so much for the healing! I was in A&E, in agony and then suddenly, the pain was gone; I felt calm and relaxed. Amazing! They gave me morphine anyway but I actually didn’t need it.
Thank you Sue, as always your insight is much appreciated, you have been a true help in my darkest moments. You are a credit to your profession! Dxxxx
Hi sue, My name is L***** and I have had a reading from you every other year at Bedford river festival since before I had my daughter in 2010. Over the years I have sworn by your words so I have dug out your information in hope to find you and come see you. Iv come to the end of my pathway and feel I need a new light/understanding as everything has fell into place. Can you please make contact with me in regards to your current services and prices!
Hi Sue
Just wanted to say thank you for the reading last night. It was definitely an experience like no other and I will be back again soon.
I have sent you my other 2 questions via the website.
I know you won't remember all the readings you do Sue,
But I finally got a job as clinical administrator at our local hospice after lots of rejections but I kept going because your reading said i would get one. I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank you. You have given me guidance for many years now and it is so appreciated.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Hi Sue Just want to say a big thank you for all the advice and guidance you gave to me in my session last week. I was feeling very lost and down but you have made me feel a lot happier and stronger than I was and I am very grateful. I was nervous as this is the first time I’ve had a tarot reading session like this but it was a lovely experience so, thank you very much :) Hopefully I will see you for another session in the future but in the mean time I’m going to work on getting myself into a good place. x
Thanks for the quick turnaround, not the answer I was looking for.
But you have been so accurate this far, I'm amazed.
Thanks, I'll have to keep calm and try to keep it together, I just hope I manage, somehow.
Thank you sue for all your support till date your an amazing person , god bless you. Kind regards
BTW we found the watch in a Waitrose Christmas robin bag.the daft thing is both D*** and I looked in it. It is a small carrier bag but made of fabric..... Arghhhhhh
Hi sue I would just like to thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for what you have done for my family. My Auntie & My Mum to do with The investigation for my missing Auntie You truly are a beautiful lady inside and out thank You again x
Sue I just want you to know that you are such a big part of my life in helping to make and confirm decisions for me. And you are always completely spot on ! Couldn't be without your guidance x
Hi Sue,
Just found it the cheque In a plastic bag full of papers on top of some books waiting to be reshelved. In my room. Just as you described. Amazing! Although I never doubted you, I still have goosebumps! Thank you xo
I hope I’m not too late with my question after my reading in September. The cards told me my son would meet a dark haired girl with green eyes who already has a child (this has happened)
A short few lines to thank you most sincerely for your enlightening reading earlier this month on the 2nd.
You may recall my daughter was expecting her first baby when we met, in fact she was overdue at the time. You will be pleased to know that your prediction was incredibly accurate, it was a boy, born early hours of the morning (00.27hrs) on a Saturday and I would hear at 8.00 hrs the same morning - all absolutely correct, although the Saturday was the 11th and not the previous of the 4th.You also stated, jokingly, the baby was big enough to be twins; he weighted in at a whopping 8lbs 8ozs! It was a natural birth, no complications and mother and baby are doing well. A great relief.
I would also like to thank you for bring my attention to the gift of "Clairsentience" a word I had never heard before, but one I can relate to and feel completely connected. Your enlightenment has helped me, at long last, to start to understand this deep sense of feeling within me.
I will no doubt come to see you again in the future and will certainly recommend others to contact you.
Spot On!!!
Thankyou for your help, I have contacted other psychics and nobody has been as spot on as you have Xx
You were right about the ipad, by the way. I meant to tell you. N******* found it just as I was telling him about what you'd said. As I was speaking, he pulled it out from beneath a pile of papers. Incredible! Thank you for that, and for everything else.
Hello Sue - thank you so much for your reading. I always get so much from them.
Dear Sue
I came to see you in August and you predicted that my great nephew would arrive early and catch us by surprise
HE was born during the night, 3 weeks early, weighing 7.5 lbs
and his parents had to leave the decorating of his room to go into hospital because his Mummy went into labour
They have just laid the carpet but still have his furniture to put up and his sheets to wash before he comes home from hospital with Mummy
You were also right when you predicted that my building works re: September
You said they would not start September, I would be told October but something else held it up
and then it would start properly in November
So far you were right.
I have been promised a start for November
and last Friday they came out to draw around the foundations they need to dig out -
the site office in on the plot and so hopefully we are all set to go.
29 Oct at 21:31
Thank you for the reading on Thursday - it was lovely to meet you and experience such an amazing gift that you have.
22 Oct at 20:18
PS In my last reading you told me of a hold up..... I did think you must be wrong about that.... you weren't. Something I thought would happen in September was in deed held up. you said probably November although something would start to happen in October.....and it is looking like you were right
17 Oct at 22:53
Dear Sue,
Just let you know, ****** rang me today.
Like you said he would. He did miss me a lot, and I was so pleased!!
I think, I love him Sue... Thank you sooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!
I just wanted to say thanks again for yesterday's reading 🙏🙏🙏. It was amazing.
Your advice and insight is always precious to us. I didn’t mean to sound stroppy and ungrateful; I appreciate your time and patience so much. And your kindness to my family. Mummy found her parents rings, near the sink as you said they would be.
You told me years ago that I would be looking after someone elses children in my thirties, I am in my thirties now, and yes, I have children who are not my own that I am mothering . This is why I have come back to you now.
You told me that my old company would fold...! OMG they are making everyone redundant and selling off their portfolio !
You might not recall me, but I got a new job mid of August.
And I had one interview elsewhere which I didnt get, and to get this job I first had a telephone interview then a face to face interview! Your reading... 'Thanks I got your question when I was away at an event , the answer is that there is work within 5 weeks After three different interviews ( two with one company )'.
Don't know if that counts as 3 interviews, but I think I'll be back for more readings.
thank you and what a wonderful gifted lady you are. I was left overwhelmed regards the accuracy of the reading. You truly are blessed and gifted.
I just wanted to thank you. Things were hard in work but they have got better as you predicted. Your gift is amazing. I'm so appreciate of you!! I thought I should tell you.
Thank you very much for answering my questions promptly. You make me feel better.
You're amazing previous predictions: I have moved slightly east, into a small flat, and close to a school!
Thank you.
Thank you so much Sue just wanted to tell you you really are gifted and have given us so much comfort over this sad time,we will all be definitely booking a telephone reading with you in the near future,you are amazing x x x
P.s. By the way we found the prayer book you brought up in my reading on Monday. You were correct, there was a ripped page and yes we read out loud the prayer that was on that page just like you said to do. You're simply amazing. ++
Thank you very much for completing the palm reading. I am impressed by your skills and you certainly gave me food for thought.
Message body
Hello Sue. Just a feedback. You predicted in December 2015 that my boss***** will leave in 18 months. Guess what he has resigned. More like jumped then pushed. I was shocked. Lol really fancy a phone reading.
Just wanted to say a massive thank you for attending our event, you were amazing and people loved having their cards read! Mine scared me a bit but I still loved it!
Thank you so much for helping us to make a great event!!
You are great at what you do!
I'm pregnant as you said I would be !!! Down to the month amazing news
Just so you know I feel a lot better since I rang you. I have come out of the darkness since. I have also briefly had contact with ***** but feel a lot stronger. So as always thank you.
Dear Sue: You gave me reading this afternoon; it was so startlingly accurate -- as I've always found you to be -- that I'm completely gobsmacked! So much so, that I, unfortunately, forgot to ask you something quite important!
Thank you for always being a super star sue!! You have always guided me so well.
I felt terrible last night and today but with your words I have accepted it and know I can move forward. You are so amazing xxx
Thank you so much. I really found your reading inspirational and comforting.
Thank you Sue for a fascinating and eye opening first reading. I was totally not expecting so many things that you picked up on, it was quite incredible. I will be returning and have told other family members who are interested. I arrived as an open minded sceptically leaning person and you really did take me aback. I left totally awestruck and intrigued. Thanks again. Jane x
Sue, as usual you are totally marvellous, and accurate, and kind and generous. I don't have enough superlatives for your guidance and help and insight
Just so you know, I took on all of your advice and smashed the interview. Feeling really positive. Thank you as always x
I just really want to thank you over the last couple of weeks.
You were really right about everything ( well at least so far)
And i did take your advice on things. its all calmed down a bit.
Thank you Sue, that was really really amazing
You have never let me down, Sue. You are a constant source of comfort with amazing revelations which come true in time. I cannot tell you how much your insight means to me. I would tell anyone who wants the future foretold to contact you; I am in awe of your gift. Over the years, you have provided me with answers and they have, without exception, come to fruition.
Hi Sue I came to see u before Xmas and u told me I would get with *****eventually and that we would meet up for a drink . You were so right and he finally asked me to go away with him in Feb
I imagine in your line of work you rarely get to confirm that yes "he told me he loved me in exactly the conversation and tone you saw"; "yes, his deep sadness was in fact about his mum; I later discovered that it was her birthday"; "yes we had a devastating conversation, after which he came back!"; "yes, every hesitancy, every conversation revealing his thoughts, all the true feelings of love have been validated - and shared - using EXACTLY the words you used!"... All such minor things to anyone else, but the glimpses behind the veil you afforded me have allowed me to take every change and twist and turn in stride - and ultimately comforted me:
I've had eight of my friends contact you since my first reading in July, I will continue to spread the word, you're awesome and thank you for the work you do, you're a great help to the world. Many blessings.
Notes: So things are really picking up pace right now. My last telephone reading all came true within 2 days! I hope you're well.
Thank you for today. You really lighten the load off my very heavy heart! Please don't ever change and continue to help people! I know they say, you should never go to psychics, but I believe; there are some good ones out there that genuinely help people.
Just thought I'd let you know that S**********have offered me the permanent job! I am very happy.
I am still amazed that you saw this coming.
It was such a pleasure to meet you. I felt very comfortable with you and could not believe the amount of information you gave me.
My head was in a whirl for a long time afterwards. Thank you very much.
Kind Regards,
There is no other way to describe Sue other than absolutely superb
October 15, 2016 at 7:17 AM | via Minisite Kate
Thank you so much that is so interesting and v accurate
To my surprise Since u doing love spell last month I've met somebody very special and both of us are falling for one another. His name is ******and feel he could be the one like my life partner. Never felt this way before about anybody. We are so very close like two peas in a pod but beginning stages and don't want to jump the gun. I'm in disbelief. I just hope I'm right and all works out.
Thank you for the reading yesterday (26/09) it was really good fun.
Your e-mail just popped into my inbox and that got me thinking about how you got me through a very tough time in my life.
Life's better now :-) not perfect but then what is in life.
I just wanted to thank you for being there for me during such a hard time in my life.
Hopefully as the years pass life will improve but I'm getting on with what I have and being thankful.
I hope life is good for you and you're still helping people with your amazing gift
Thank you so much for a wonderful reading. S***** is feeling very happy since she met you and very special too. I am also very pleased and will book in to see you for my own questions. S***** has the salt lamp on 24 hours and slept soundly last night. In gratitude,
That was lovely yesterday. Great reading! Have you sent the MP3 (not received)?Look forward to speaking again at some point. Ironically, that last project began to take on momentum yesterday, so the advice regarding it is perfectly well-timed.
Well I trust you completely because I swear if it wasn't for you my little boy ******wouldn't have got better. Soon as I put that mirror on my bed and you did the clearing I noticed his speech improved. There was definitely a negative vibration around us
Hi sue would just like to say fantastic reading last wk and as i left you did some healing of my hands and i have to say although not fully healed they are so much better you have achieved something doctors couldnt fingers crossed thank you so much xx
I'm really sorry but I feel that the answer you gave me was a bit vague - the postman could have told me that! I was hoping for specifics. Never mind, lesson learned and I'm the idiot for wasting my money on something that is complete nonsense.You just couldn't be bothered & you are making great money off of vulnerable people who will believe anything! No need to reply as it will get deleted straight away without me reading it. Thank you for your time
Thank you so very much for my lovely reading today , I'm blown away by what you told me xx
I have been seeing Sue for just over a year now, although I have always trusted her I had a bumpy ride last year where I I didn't follow her guidance fully. However, the timing wasn't right for me for certain things to happen and I have grown stronger spiritually and emotionally as a result, so I see main predictions as just a delay and not that they won't happen. I can however report this year has been a completely different experience, where I have surrendered to her guidance and insight, so far what she has predicted for me has been 90% accurate and come to pass but I can see where I have made different decisions affecting the other 10% (my free will). Sue is very patient and giving, I would wholeheartedly recommend her not only as a psychic but as a supporting guide in life, that is present with us in this realm.
Thank you so much Sue, I have so much appreciation and respect for you xxx
I was very impressed with my reading. A lot to think about, but not sure I took it all in. Please could you let me know when the mp3 will come through, can't wait to listen.
Message body
Thanks Sue...gobsmacked that you were right again ��
On another note - the year ahead reading you did in March - it's been
spot on all year so far! Not sure I'm looking forward to August as it
predicts lots of waiting - which kinda ties into us both being on
leave! So once again - WOW! (re your skills :) )
As you predicted, I passed all three of my board exams here in Hong Kong to qualify as an insurance broker. I will have to do 3 more early next year so that I can advise on portfolio investments ...
Always on point!! Excellent guidance
February 22, 2015 at 9:21 PM
Always on point!! Excellent guidance
Another brilliant reading from Sue. She goes from strength to strength!
I initially booked a reading with sue because i felt confused with my life. I felt she was really friendly and honest in her answers, meaning she never sugar coated things. She was able to tell me things that i have never told anybody, and was very detailed and specific in her answers and i left the reading with a clearer mind. I would definitely recommend sue to anyone who is interested in the various services sue has to offer. Thanks sue!!!
I initially booked a reading with sue because i felt confused with my life. I felt she was really friendly and honest in her answers, meaning she never sugar coated things. She was able to tell me things that i have never told anybody, and was very detailed and specific in her answers and i left the reading with a clearer mind. I would definitely recommend sue to anyone who is interested in the various services sue has to offer. Thanks sue!!!
Today at 7:06 AM
To Sue Peppiatt Today at 8:33 AM
Just wanted to let you know you were right. He was lying. I phoned him and he told me and then for the first time in ages we managed to have a sensible conversation, although he was sobbing through most of it. He is in a worst state than I am.
I was disappointed. Although accurate I don't feel that about 3 lines in response to 4 questions was good value, and expected more guidance. I had to ask a further question to gain that. I know Sue is good but this didn't do I and at 24 pounds I should gave gone straight to f2f with hindsight.
I regularly go for not only insight but good advice on how things are going. Sue sometimes is a victim of her own success because she sometimes doesn't seem to have enough time...........
Firstly a very big thank you for the reading you did for me on 14th July. I now understand I was looking to be reconnected with hope and that was achieved - no mean feat!! I do feel much more settled and am enormously grateful for that. My prayers were answered!
With great gratitude Sue for all your help - it has been invaluable. I hope it is ok with you for me to return in due course when the need arises.
Thank you Sue, another wonderful, inspiring and accurate reading. Really pleased xx
Thank you so much for the rapid reading of my cards. I feel the
answers are very accurate and reflect pretty much our status quo.
Always on point!! Excellent guidance
February 22, 2015 at 9:21 PM
Always on point!! Excellent guidance
Another brilliant reading from Sue. She goes from strength to strength!
I initially booked a reading with sue because i felt confused with my life. I felt she was really friendly and honest in her answers, meaning she never sugar coated things. She was able to tell me things that i have never told anybody, and was very detailed and specific in her answers and i left the reading with a clearer mind. I would definitely recommend sue to anyone who is interested in the various services sue has to offer. Thanks sue!!!
I initially booked a reading with sue because i felt confused with my life. I felt she was really friendly and honest in her answers, meaning she never sugar coated things. She was able to tell me things that i have never told anybody, and was very detailed and specific in her answers and i left the reading with a clearer mind. I would definitely recommend sue to anyone who is interested in the various services sue has to offer. Thanks sue!!!
Today at 7:06 AM
To Sue Peppiatt Today at 8:33 AM
Just wanted to let you know you were right. He was lying. I phoned him and he told me and then for the first time in ages we managed to have a sensible conversation, although he was sobbing through most of it. He is in a worst state than I am.
I was disappointed. Although accurate I don't feel that about 3 lines in response to 4 questions was good value, and expected more guidance. I had to ask a further question to gain that. I know Sue is good but this didn't do I and at 24 pounds I should gave gone straight to f2f with hindsight.
I regularly go for not only insight but good advice on how things are going. Sue sometimes is a victim of her own success because she sometimes doesn't seem to have enough time............
Hi sue just want to say many thanks for an amazing reading today. Your truly amazing and you have really helped me put some closure on certain things I needed to. Many thanks
I really didn't know what to expect at first but my grandad has been seeing Sue for years. She was so accurate with everything. I've recommended her to everyone!
July 6, 2016 at 9:16 AM | via Minisite
Thank you. I'll definitely see you again, you've helped me through a stressful time.
Thank you so much for such a great workshop yesterday.I learnt more in that short space of time than I've learnt from any book I've read.I am really looking forward to getting to know my cards better.
Thank you so much for the lovely course yesterday,really enjoyed it and hardly put my cards down since I've kept reading up about them so amazing.
I wouldn't normally email you on your day off but I wanted you to know Mum died last night. I have a CD from a few months ago telling me mum would pass end of June
Or into July. Mum passed exactly when you said she would. Please use this paragraph on your website. It may help someone come to see you when they are in need & don't know where to go for help.
Just to say that F*********** passed grade 10. We found out today, two years to the day that she had her brain surgery & stroke. Thank you for helping us to keep hope alive. xo
Your amazing sue xx
You have helped me so much means the world and brings me hope xxx
I note in my year reading that within the coming weeks you predicted new routes to money and being afraid of what is expected of me and have also said I would be offered a top job following an accolade (I have a commendation being awarded to me on the 6th July), which all appears to be bearing out, scary!
Hope you are well. You have bought much needed clarity to me. I'm feeling so much calmer, thank you so much for the strength
I loved my reading today has really put my mind to rest on a few things, nikki x
Hi Sue, I hope you're well.
My jaw has dropped again. We have just received an offer for the building, in the summer just like you said. Kind regards,S
Thank you again for such an uplifting reading. I am kicking myself that I didn't opt for the reading to be sent over email or CD afterwards but I'll make sure I book that next time. �� Thank you again, you were so helpful and so accurate.
I did the psychic awareness course with you last year. I was very taken aback to discover that I did appear to be psychic.
I thought you might want to know I continued pursuing this as an interest subsequently and completed a course at the Arthur Findlay College. I am now a member of a development group and am very comfortable with this whole new and unexpected direction.
I wanted to thank you for starting me on that path. I look back on that course and am so grateful that it covered so many things that I was able to explore.
Thank you again for such an uplifting reading. I am kicking myself that I didn't opt for the reading to be sent over email or CD afterwards but I'll make sure I book that next time. ��
Thank you again, you were so helpful and so accurate.
Lovely meeting you on Friday. Your reading was helpful & so accurate in many ways. Was a lot of information to take in fully & went quite quick.
I loved my reading today has really put my mind to rest on a few things,
I can't thank you enough for putting my mind at ease last Thursday. As you said I have had countless sleepless nights trying to figure out how to change things and move my life forward positively.
I had the best sleep I've had in years on Thursday which is all down to you! You are truly amazing and your gift is really priceless I only wish I had a reading from you last year. The way you got very quickly to crux of the matter with me still astounds me today especially as I am a no nonsense kind of person who likes to hear the facts and deal with the truth in my own way. You have shown me that there is light at the end of this tunnel and that my true happiness will be after the Summer and to just enjoy the rest!
I would recommend you without a doubt especially to anyone who like me felt lost and fed of churning thoughts around in their head day after day!
God bless you!
All I will say is WOW!! your year reading for me and **** has been like a script so far!!!
Dog Lost!
Just got him, thanks for all your help. The description of the property was scarily accurate!
Thank you so much always so accurate and spot on your amazing
Dear Sue,
I hope you had a good weekend.
I just wanted to say thank you and that you have surprised me once again!
There is one prediction you made last year and it has happened in the EXACT same sequence.
I dare say I had even forgotten about it until just now.
I bet you get tired of hearing this but you have an AMAZING gift.
Whats particularly surprising is how we have never even met and you know so much about me.
Thank you so much and have a good day.
You are awesome (and so right!), thank you!
Hi Sue,
I don't recall if I have ever said thank you to you for the healing that you did with my father back in 2014. The doctors had only given hours to days when I contacted you. Your work did stabilize him and he was able to have 30 more days with us. I've been thinking about that so much these last few weeks and what you have given to us I can never repay. Those 30 days were the most precious moments of my life. Again thank you so much for your incredible gift and all that you do for everyone.
Thank you so much; the answers are so spot on, looking forward to seeing you soon,
I want to thank you again so much for your love, words and support during these two years I’ve known you. Sometimes it’s just lovely to hear you laugh. You’re an angel and a love.
Thank you so much for your reading . I no longer have my anxiety because of your reading and I've tried many things for years ! You have fixed it !
Thank you sue for an amazing reading and for my message from Ricky it meant the world to me thank you so much M.x
Thank you for yesterday's reading Sue - it blew me away and I spent the rest of the
afternoon thinking about and writing down what you told me.
Next time I will have the reading recorded - such a lot to take in and all very
comforting and uplifting. Thank you again. x
May 1, 2016 at 12:29 PM | via Minisite
I hope that everything is ok with you. You're such a lovely lady with an amazing talent. All of the many people who you have helped must have felt like myself, completely uplifted, and released from the past. Put it this way, you shed a lot of light on my life all within an hour, and nobody else has ever been able do that before, not over hours, days, weeks or years!
A***** is amazed that you stated there would be bright lights right outside our new place. Also you were right about the bathroom problems and many other things! I told him I'm so used to your accuracy it doesn't phase me as much, but not to take your gift for granted! Thank you for your help over the years xx
I found the reading so meaningful and true and yourself so genuine - thank you.
Thank you so much for your amazing gifts and kind, loving generosity. I shall never forget you and always tell people about you. You're simply the best.
You are always right! I did see him : it was quick.
Thank you very much for your brilliant reading recorded on MP3.
I will be recommending you to everyone!
See you in a year's time then.
Thank you very much for sending this on to me. I have listened to it again and I'm very glad now. It really was so fascinating and very overwhelming and surreal. It's something I've always been interested in but never found the right moment to arrange.
You have just stunned me again in your reading u said ****** had been in touch with a woman for 9 days with dark hair and plumpish. He rang yesterday out the blue for advice and blow me admitted he has been talking to another woman since the 17 March ( the day after I met up with him) I asked what she was like and he said the same as u.
I regularly go for not only insight but good advice on how things are going.
Sue sometimes is a victim of her own success because she sometimes doesn't
seem to have enough time............
March 25, 2016 at 4:12 AM | via Minisite
I just have to thank you, I had a reading with you around a year ago and around 90% of what you said would happen has happened.
Dear Sue,
Wow THIS one I had to share. He's got in touch this morning to wish me a happy birthday just like you said. Sorry I seemed agitated and nervous about it. Knowing the kind of person he is the odds just seemed really impossible.
Thank you so much!!
Hi i just wanted to say what an amazing talented reader you are. In January i had a reading with you and wanted to know what was going on with i man i had been seeing as he had gone suddenly quiet since November and after sharing such wonderful times together he said maybe we should just go our own ways as he was confused in life. I asked him to meet and talk he said there was no point really. After a reading with you you said we would definately meet again before spring on 21 March. I couldnt see how this could happen after what he said and him hardly speaking. He has then turned a lot more chatty the last few weeks and then last week we arranged to meet yesterday. I held my breath as i couldnt quite believe it till it had happened and was gobsmacked how accurate you had been and we did meet yesterday and had a lovely time. Thats the 2nd reading i have had with you and both times were so spot on. I am addicted. I would like to know what happens next is it too soon for me to have another reading with you as i had the last one in January if not when are you available Thank you
You were so right on all your advice, Sue. It went very well; as you say, I have learned so much more about the man.
This was the second time that I have had a reading from Sue. I thought she was amazing the first time that I saw her. Yesterday was even more so. Before I went I wrote a list of questions that I would like answered. I left them in my bag out of sight. Before we left I read them out loud and then hid them in my bag. Apart from answering all the questions that I had written and read to my deceased husband I just couldn't believe when they were answered in order. She told me things this time as before that absolutely no-one would have known about. Some I hadn't even told my kids of. WOW she is just [phenomenal. Thank you Sue.
Just an update: so ****is trying to make a comeback, just as you predicted in September. lol!
I want to say a big thank you to you!! I got my chartership. I persisted with your encouragement. Thank you so Much
Thank you Sue
It was interesting listening to the recording last night. You think you remember everything on the day - but you don't! I have thought of a few more questions so I will do as you suggest and enter them on your website.
From my year reading next week shows up as some conversational study...completely forgot about it until I had a quick glance at what you predicted tonight!
You were right on the money again Sue, 3rd time this week....my faith is in increasing in all aspects with your help and guidance!
Hi Sue,
Thank you very much for sending this and for the great readings, wisdom and kindness.
Sue - I have attended your course for last two weeks and you are an amazing teacher along with best ever psychic I have ever met. I am keep talking about you with my friends and family. Cant wait for our next lesson.
I last came to sue 2 years ago and everything she told me has come true.
I am now going to meet her again and can't wait to hear what she has to say x thanks Sue xx
What a brilliant reading. Felt more resolved with issues in all aspects of life, which Sue knew about and helped me with in a kind, informative and caring manner. I will be calling again. Thank you so much.
What a brilliant reading. Felt more resolved with issues in all aspects of life, which Sue knew about and helped me with in a kind, informative and caring manner. I will be calling again. Thank you so much.
thanks Sue, you are amazing!
Years ago when we came to you , you told us that we would one day own eight houses between us. I thought it was crazy. Now he has five and i have bought three; we have our eight!!!
Oh Sue! You are amazing. I did call, and he said he was going to phone me but wanted me to have some time to calm down first. Exactly as you said!
Last time I saw you, you told me a lot of stuff I found really hard to believe as it didn't fit in any way with what I saw as the reality of the situation. I questioned this and seemed sceptical, you responded with calmness and conviction.
The things you said were uncannily, almost unbelievably accurate - so first I think I owe you an apology for my scepticism. I think you know if I didn't believe in you I wouldn't have been a client for all these years though.
You told me that I would hear from ******** again 'after Christmas' and that he would try to rekindle things, also that 'in a couple of months' his relationship with this younger woman would go into meltdown. And that the woman would want to trap him with a baby. All this seemed crazy. You also told me that he had stronger feelings for me than I knew. I found it very difficult to think he would come back into my life as he is someone who does not look backwards and likes to move on. It is months since he and I last saw each other,and didn't get to see him that often. Anyway, he called me on Friday.
Dear Sue, hope you are well. You did a phone reading for me on 31/Oct. Your prediction about the flat is absolute incredible. I m picking up the key today, and without your guidance, this could never happen. I will write a separate review to this.
I loved my reading it gave me some sense of peace -
You did a reading for me on the 30th October and I am so grateful to you as you helped me after I felt so lost. You have helped me realise that I can go forward and that I do have a future. It will take sometime and I am trying to be positive.
I hope you are well.
You did a reading for me on the 30th October and I am so grateful to you as you helped me after I felt so lost. You have helped me realise that I can go forward and that I do have a future. It will take sometime and I am trying to be positive.
HI, just wanted to say a massive thank you for today.We honestly feel like today's gone really well and been hit by reality of how much we mean to each other and thats all thanks to you Sue , your a star.
Just a reminder to send the audio when you get the chance. I got a lot of clarity yesterday.
I just wanted to say thank you for all your help and the last few months regarding my aunties illness. I always turn to you in times of stress an desperation and you always help so much. My family and i got to say our last messages to my auntie a few days before she passed away , on your say so, and we are very grateful for this. I feel like you helped me a lot these last few months to deal with her upcoming death,so thank you very much x
Firstly, I wanted you to know I managed to buy my house here in California. You were right, with a bit of lateral thinking and some help from above, it happened. Your guidance allowed me to keep faith.
OMG you are so right! you must be psychic :-) xoxo
I was disappointed. Although accurate I don't feel that about 3 lines in response to 4 questions was good value, and expected more guidance. I had to ask a further question to gain that. I know Sue is good but this didn't do I and at 24 pounds I should gave gone straight to f2f with hindsight.
I was disappointed. Although accurate I don't feel that about 3 lines in response to 4 questions was good value, and expected more guidance. I had to ask a further question to gain that. I know Sue is good but this didn't do I and at 24 pounds I should gave gone straight to f2f with hindsight.December 2, 2015 at 8:46 AM | via Minisite
You were right! Last time I saw you you said i would get a job October/ November. I did, that's when it happened.
First off thank you for taking the time to reply, and secondly how on earth did you pick up on that? ( well, perhaps on earth is not the place you did find it!) That is exactly how it is, and exactly what I have been thinking is the cause of it. You have made everything seem so clear now. Thank you so so much.
how you exactly know about my past... :-D
Thank you for this. Was such an Eyeopener and confirmed many of my judgements of certain people around me
Thank you so much for our last session. Again, you were spot on with my Dad's tumour ...he hasn't got to have kimo but it does have to be removed...thank you!!
A while ago I asked if we'd get a big order which would bring some good news for every one, and you said an order would come which had been worked on for a while in September/October. You were spot on (as always), we were told today we've been awarded a big order.
Your insight has, again, helped me- and those I love- enormously.And the happiness is coming back into my life again. I know I dont have to go into long explanations anymore because you already know. "Thank you " seems inadequate but there it is. xo
Thank you so much for my reading on Friday, it's been a refreshing experience aswell as enlightening to know that everything you said was so honest and true to me.
Apologies once again for not having questions ready, completely new experience for me I didn't know what to expect.
I am hoping now next time I will be more relaxed and confident in knowing what I want to ask.
I got the job!! I'm guessing you believed I would, I also listened back to myreading the other day you predicted I would finally be happy in myself this month and have choices with work, you couldn't have got it anymore accurate. Finally feeling everything is falling into place and genuinely happy with no drama in my life, long may it continue.
Thanks for your answers. In other news another one of your predictions is materializing. our olive skinned man has started talking to me. :)
Thank you so much Sue. Really don't think I'd get through without your support and guidance. Enjoy your Sunday.xx
I did get a clear 'love you' yesterday, just as you said I would xxx
You were 100% RIGHT Omg Sue you were so right!!!! Everything you said was right....
I have listened to the audio a lot of times and just everything you say makes so much sense to me and has helped me alot in understanding things.
I was just reading through this series of messages again; amazed at your patience.....
I really enjoyed meeting you and your words above are wise and triggered something within. When I feel the need for outside advice once more I shall come back to you.
Wow Sue you are spot on...
Hi Sue, hope you remember me still. I have just booked a 2 tarot question for tomorrow evening , and said on the question I would e mail you regarding a prediction you made over 3 years ago for your comments section. I had just lost my job, and didnt think I would get another in teaching. You said I would but not until there is a change of government. Well, 5 weeks after the last election I was offered a new job back in teaching.
Warm and sympathetic. Very accurate.Excellent.Have been before and will go again.
August 18,2015 at 4.37 AM via minisite Mary.
Warm and sympathetic. Very accurate. Excellent. Have been before and will go again.
August 18, 2015 at 4:37 AM | via Minisite
Warm and sympathetic. Very accurate. Excellent. Have been before and will go again.
August 18, 2015 at 4:37 AM | via Minisite
Warm and sympathetic. Very accurate. Excellent. Have been before and will go again.
August 18, 2015 at 4:37 AM | via Minisite
Warm and sympathetic. Very accurate. Excellent. Have been before and will go again.
August 18, 2015 at 4:37 AM | via Minisite
Warm and sympathetic. Very accurate. Excellent. Have been before and will go again.
August 18, 2015 at 4:37 AM | via Minisite
Warm and sympathetic. Very accurate. Excellent. Have been before and will go again.
August 18, 2015 at 4:37 AM | via Minisite
Amazing Sue! You were right about Mummy's hip. A piece of metal had broken off from a surgical pin that was put there 14 years ago and is 'floating around' . They will remove for her & then-fingers crossed-no more pain or disability. x
By chance I went to see a house that I thought would be out of my price range.As I turned into the road there was a little coppice with a circle of trees- just as you had seen - I loved this house and have put an offer in-watch this space- I feel very calm now as I'm sure this house is meant for me. Thank you as always for your guidance and kindness. With much love, P*****
While listening to the recording of the reading; just as you say 'he wants you to know that he will always be around you'......The TV switched itself on!!!!!
Just to let you know "right again"
You said S would be outside the house lacking the courage to come up the drive!
Well it happened Saturday evening. He lurked around at the end of the drive to wait for Adrian who told me "someone was waiting to drive him up to London". I said nothing, but I am sure he knows I know!
Just to let you know "right again"
I have had numerous email readings with Sue after 2 face to face readings over a personal issue, I must have really tried her patience at times but she has always responded calmly and patiently to my questions and remains confident about her predictions of my future despite my reluctance to believe the final outcome she has predicted. She has been a gentle guide and a source of comfort, I truly hope the final prediction does come to fruition. She has predicted a number of difficulties and events over the course of this year, which have come true but understand they are part of my journey to happiness and self development, of which she has given good straight forward advice, I have found these predictions uncanny but affirms my view that she does have a genuine power and gift. Thank you again Sue for all your precious time x Kind regards,
Firstly I would like to say how pleased we were that you made contact with R***. We realised on the way home the view that he was showing you was in Alegranza in Spain where we lived with the little dog that you saw. We were extremely surprised that you commented on things that only R*** and I knew i.e. the sandals. Only I knew that D******* had ladies problems. I showed R*** the picture before we left when I told him to come with us. I had asked him for a few days to be with us when we saw you. I was surprised when you picked up that R*** considered himself Agnostic but believed in spirit contact.
My first ever tarot reading so was skeptical prior to the telephone reading. I found Sue to be friendly, helpful and patient. Her reading gave me much needed optimism during a difficult period. Time will tell how accurate her predictions are but I have great faith that all will come to fruition as her description of certain personalities, traits and my current situation and where I am currently in my life was very accurate. Looking forward to happier times, thanks again Sue x
July 30, 2015 at 8:08 AM | via Minisite
And indeed there was love again in July. Just as you predicted.
I hope you are well.
And indeed there was love again in July. Just as you predicted.
Fantastic is not even enough to describe Sue''s talent. Recently repeatdelay listening to the previous audios and I begun thinking something which I didn't quite think make sense back then started making sense. eg There is a person which I completely let out of my head for while and the older readings were actually on this person which I though Sue was talking random and didn't relate to the different person that I was concerned then, whereas the recent audio more explicitly refer to this very person. All the readings said the same outcome, which is scary as they are done years apart. Since multiple readings repeats the outcome I believe the future will come manifest. I love twelve cards spread and future readings. She is honest, hard working, warm and extremely professional. She never giveherown opinion on the cliejts matter and never been prejudiced. Reading is fast paced and clients will learn a lot of insights. After the readings I always felt soothing and comforting. The timings can be quite out and somet of the things do not came to pass and sometimes shows opposite results but above all this lady does what no one can do as many things are uncannily predicted which seemed impossible possible when the time came.
Many thanks Sue for all your help at this stressful time.
Thanks Sue, Your advice has been so helpful in the past few months.
Re: Question 3 omg you were right: How are you? Just wanted to thank you. And tell you, YOU right! Found my earring in a pocket in my beige clutch
Once again, your answer was right!!
I hope the second part is right as well.
Thank you.
I just wanted to thank you for the healing, something has definitely changed within me....
Thank you so much, that was so accurate even in my first time email question. First time for me when I came to see you
Thank you so much,that was so accurate even in my first time email question First time for me when I came to see you.
Hi Sue Thank you for a lovely hour with you last Thursday. Your observations are
almost 100% spot on, I was really amazed. (Thurs 18th June 4:30pm)
June 22, 2015 at 9:35 AM | via Minisite
Fascinating, very moving at times and also very insightful and accurate.
Amazing and I am very grateful for all that was indicated.
June 20, 2015 at 4:42 AM | via Minisite
Just wanted to let you know you were right. He was lying. I phoned him and he told me....
Well you were right! You predicted a pregnancy in May and I found out I was pregnant last Sunday, three months after my last miscarriage.
Thank you so much for your reading, you really cleared my mind particularly
where I need to not listen to outside influences. I'm very grateful
to you and to whoever in spirit guided me back to you.
And you were right again a little effort on my part with my situation has paid dividends as we are back in contact again.
Can't begin to thank you enough it feels like some long overdue happiness and sunshine has been brought back into my life.
You have read for me before - very accurately, so here I am again.
Hi Sue. It would be fair to say your weekly reading so far this year has been 90% bang on which is quite a feat considering. I haven't worked out if that is because I have manipulated it..but certainly, there have been many occasions when I have had no influence.........
Dear Sue,
I hope you are well. As you predicted mum got her job back!!
Thank you for taking the time to consider my questions. I sat next to a man on a plane last Fall and he gave me your name.
Thank you so much for the phone reading today. As usual, you are so accurate with the current situation and give very clear insight to the future. I feel much lifted.
Thank you so much! That sounds very true to me. Really appreciate the time.
Lovely reading once again cant fault sue she so lovely and open
May 20, 2015 at 5:48 AM | via Minisite
Your reading was lovely that you gave me thank you .
Another brilliant reading from Sue. She goes from strength to strength!April 11, 2015 at 10:42 AM | via Minisite Gregory Paul
Another brilliant reading from Sue. She goes from strength to strength!
April 11, 2015 at 10:42 AM | via Minisite
I wanted to thank you, and tell you were very accurate about my mothers treatment from those who should have been caring for her.
Thanks for these. Lol you totally understand me.
February 22, 2015 at 9:21 PM | via Minisite
I am so impressed with what you said to me having listened to it again.You area very talented kind lady and I would like to thank you as some of the things you told me will definitely help me...
Some revelations have come out over the past couple of weeks, which when I listened back to my CD you predicted or said had happened, uncanny but comforting.
The last question i had for you was about pregnancy and now i have a baby girl! Thank u! Youre amazing!
Always on point!! Excellent guidance
Thank you for a great reading yesterday It was extremely helpful and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend you.
Sue, many thanks for your reply, all of it has such a ring of Truth about it. I know how to help him now, that is if he wants help !!
Thank you once again for an amazing reading..........I now have some clarity.
Thank you for the 'Reading' last Monday, I found it very informative and uplifting. I was wondering when you would be able to send the recording to me? I would like to transcribe it over the weekend as you gave me quite a few practical ideas - some of which I cannot remember.
I have spoken to Sue many times, mostly for confirmation of what she had said, although my questions where always for the future, she has remained consistent, patient and always kind and direct in her reply. the answers are yet to unfold. I would definitely use her accurate services again thank you Sue X
December 20, 2014 at 3:45 AM | via Minisite
Thank you very much for your fast reply Sue, and for the time with you in November. It was a very powerful session and I have been in varying ways reeling since then with all the thoughts and prompts. Enormously helpful, and challenging.
Thank you so much for your reading, it has proved very accurate, and is giving me hope to get through challenging times. I have recommended you to 5 friends who all got comfort and support from their readings. You are an exceptionally gifted and compassionate lady.
Just wanted to thank you for my reading and regarding what you told me to do about spirit in my house x my daughter 21 hasn't had a nightmare since when she' been alone in her bed sleeping . didn't think I had it in me...
As you predicted, I passed all three of my board exams here in Hong Kong to qualify as an insurance broker. I will have to do 3 more early next year so that I can advise on portfolio investments ...
Thank you for today's 'live' telephone reading. Your wisdom and gift give us all the ability to see the situation for what it is and then decide either to get hit by it, or catch the lemon that life is throwing to you and make a fantastic lemonade.
After using your help and wisdom for more than 5 years I finally understand that in order to accept a guidance that you so generously offer both parties of the reading should tune into each other... I think the secret to get your guidance is to have very clear questions of what you want to ask and then keep asking till you totally zoom into the problem, rather than expect magical 'fortune' telling cookie cut advise. You show me the way and it is my decision which path to take...
You are amazingly accurate, wise and generous person.
Thank you so much for everything
Sue thank you so so much! I have tears in my eyes whilst sat on the bus.
Thank you!
You had predicted in my tarot reading that I would pass my exams first time for my qualifications in Hong Kong... So far I have passed 2 out of 3 first time! :) the last one I will take for the first time in 28th November...
My reading was amazingly accurate in such a short space of time! I ran out of questions to ask as Sue seemed to cover everything there and then.
November 13th via website
Sue I have to thank you so much for your help words can never express how much you've helped me over years in so many ways and how grateful I am for that.... I will try to be strong and if I feel myself like I cannot cope I will be back in touch for another reading from you. It's still early days for me sue... LOTS OF LOVEXXX
That has made me fell about a million % better, thank you soooooooooooooooooo much for your reply x
I have been trying to keep really calm about it all but have been really upset today :(
As you predicted and of course as always thank you very much, I got through my initial internal training course with the company on S*******. I am going to H*******tomorrow and so that's when all the real hard work will start! Many many thanks! You are the best!
As always many thanks for the reading yesterday. It's very comforting speaking with you as you're very genuine and honest.
By the way -- you was absolutely right in February when you said that J****'s ex will approach her -- he did... And there will be another guy -- both guys olive skinned -- that is absolutely true!
Dear Sue, thank you for your amazing reading!
You have given me strength & purpose in life after a 1/2hr reading. Your a complete treasure.
Thank you Sue, the court was exactly as you said, no hearing etc.
You are amazing!
Just a few words to say a huge thank you. Your reading was most helpful, and really had a positive impact on my rather shattered morale. Everything you saw resonated to me to perfection, and I am grateful for having had the chance to contact those who are dear to me. I appreciate hard times have yet to pass, but thanks to you I now feel i can be ready to accept them, in the light of what will come later. I will join membership soon, and I truly hope to be starting a course with you soon. I also look forward to seeing you again.
This is my second since i was very impressed by your first reading....last time i missed few words ,but since I had recording all went well...
Sue, once again you have amazed me with your accuracy and the speed with which you are able to answer my questions. Not only that, but the advice that you give is also most useful. No doubt the future will confirm the events that you have seen. God bless you for all your help over the years!
Sue has a beautiful nature on the phone. She has given me food for thought being incredibly accurate with regards to my family and career. Thank you Sue a truly beautiful light to help me see through the fog. Would recommend to anybody and have already xx
September 8, 2014 at 6:28 AM | via Minisite
Just quick note to say thank you so much for the reading this morning. You are consistently accurate. Everything you said 3 months ago have came to pass, particular you said my ex will contact me at the beginning of sept, I thought it is very unlikely since I haven't heard from him in 2.5 year but it did happen.
jenny h
well what can one say, l have had 2 readings and these were very good, and an
email one and they were really all spot on, very good, and sue is just lovely to sit
with there just aren't enough words to describe this lovely lady thank you so much xxx
September 5, 2014 at 11:09 PM | via Minisite
Spot on many thanks .
This is the second reading I have had with Sue, the first being 10 years ago and proved to be very accurate. Sue is very friendly but also very professional. I appreciate that Sue allows you to ask questions after the reading, as it is easy to forget something during the reading.
Having listened again to the audio recording you sent of my reading, just had to drop a line to say, you were spot on with everything you said. In fact, you were very profound at times and your wisdom came across so well. A truly empathic sage! I'm now starting to feel much more positive and full of hope for the future, once I've traversed this tricky road... You surely did your job fantastically for me
I was really pleased with the reading I had with you last month, I have booked another reading with you as I was focusing on one particular matter on my first reading. I did also book a reading for my husband last month and he was surprised with reading.
Afternoon sue! omg you was right again...
I last came to you ten years ago , and I have to say that what you said then has proved to be very accurate.
Thank you so much for my recent reading. It affected me much more than I thought it would. It has proved to be very accurate. So thank you again.
Sue, you'll be pleased to know that you were right about *******'s seizures being localised more to the back of her brain rather than the frontal lobe, which has been the official diagnosis for years and years until today, or rather yesterday now.
Hi Sue, I would like to give you a review following last weeks reading. it was both shocking and amazing. I am still in shock now.
Hi Sue, thank you so much for my reading yesterday it was fantastic and very helpful
Thank you for your help. Hearing from you was like a cool breeze on a hideously hot day!
Thanks sue, you have been a great guider. X
I want to thank you for the visit on Thursday. Even though I was upset I felt good after seeing you. It was pretty amazing having that connection with ****. I would like to visit again, and wondered if you recommend a period of time before a 2nd visit?
Thank you Sue. You've been such a massive help xx
Hi Sue, Thank you so much for the reading that you have done for me via email, it was fantastic. You answered all my questions clearly and with depth. i will certainly recommend you to others and will be in touch again. The energy from the reading was positive and warm. Many thanks M xx
Thank you so much Sue, that was an incredible reading. I was speechless of how accurate it was. Such a shame that I didn't ask for record because there is few bit I couldn't quite catch and you are very fast :)
I just want to say, that no matter how impossible your predictions do seem at the time of the reading they always somehow manage to come true... I am not good at talking to friends, so I think you are a lot better than any councillor, because you can see deep inside both parties remaining completely non judgemental...
Hi sue it looks like you're spot on again I attained a distinction for my sports coaching degree
Thank you Sue, all the advice has really helped me 'go for it' this week, and I'm really pleased to be able to say that I have been offered a job as a special needs teaching assistant this week, which has been really hard work to get. I'm very happy!
Everything from the reading has so far been accurate (and loving the josticks)....thank you!
...my ex has been back in contact with me again and we met up on Friday. you predicted from his photo after we split last year that he would be back. you also predicted that the woman he was engaged to, he wouldn't marry, and the wedding wouldn't go ahead - and it hasn't
I went to sue after my nan passed away (about 10 months). I was sceptical before I went there but she was so accurate, I was speechless. She told me things my nan was saying, and there is no way she would've ever known that or able to make it up. The things she tells you about the subject you would like to discuss are not generic, they're specific and detailed. Sue is amazing and I would 100% reccomend anyone to see her.
May 26, 2014 at 12:38 PM | via Minisite
Sue is absolutely fantastic; I don't think I would have a relationship with my special person without her. She is incredible the way she understands his complex mind and she always gives me hope, even when things look difficult. I promise you; I would not make decisions unless I have asked her opinion - I am proud to think of her as my friend because she is one of the most patient, kind, thoughtful and honest people. I simply cannot recommend her enough; she has the most incredible gift. xxx
Had a lovely time during my first visit to Sue! Came away with a few surprises that I didn't expect at all, but a lot of other things to look forward too! Thank you Sue! xx
Thank you very much your a very talented lady. Can't thank you enough my mind is a lot clearer. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
ive just listened to my reading you did for me recently and its fascinating , every time i hear something new that i didn't hear the time before lol .
Thank you so much sue. God bless you and your amazing gift. My parents are blown away and I tell everyone about you. I'm sure that I'll be purchasing more in the near future.